NEW REPAIR JOB ALERTS: We will send you an email when NEW repair requests post within 20 miles of your shop.
Go To My Account to Update Your Alert Preferences, Account Info, or to Unsubscribe.
Way to go! Your Profile Page Was Created Successfully!
Customers Can Now Find Your SHzoom Shop Profile Online! Next time someone searches the internet for your shop, they will find your very own customized web page!
Remember: Our customers are likely to read what other customers are saying about your shop BEFORE selecting you for the job! We strongly suggest that you Invite A Customer to write a review of your shop!
Because You're So Awesome, We Included A Bonus!
Because we're so excited you decided to setup your Shop Profile, we will email you a Customized Shop Review Card to encourage your customers to write a review for your shop! These cards are perfect to print and display in your lobby! Best of all, we'll send it to you FREE of charge!
Notification of New Repair Job Requests:
We're not done yet! Email Notifications of New Repair Jobs near you is included, FREE! You will receive email alerts on all NEW repair requests within 20 miles of your shop. UPGRADE your account to get even MORE!
PREFER TO OPT IN FOR TEXT ALERTS?: We will send a text message to your mobile device when NEW repair requests post within 20 miles
of your shop. Go To My Account to Update Your Alert Preferences, Account Info, or to Unsubscribe.
SHzoom Membership Benefits Include:
Access to an ongoing source of smaller "Fender Bender" repair jobs. Smaller Repair Jobs = Lower Cycle Times = Increased Profits!
An opportunity to help put a STOP to illegal steering by insurance companies!
The ability to diversify your business by capturing customers before they decide to pay out of pocket or to report an insurance claim.
UPGRADE your membership today to take advantage of our Introductory PROMO Offers! At this LOW cost, Annual Memberships Pay for Themselves! Get Automated with our Mobile App & Start Growing Your Business Today!
UPGRADE Your Membership NOW!